How can psychiatrists tap the power of genetics and data?

It’s no secret that the volume of mental health patients is growing. And yet, the conventional “trial and error” approach to psychotropic prescribing and the high prevalence of ADRs continue to result in suboptimal outcomes and workflow inefficiency.

Our paper provides the latest expert insights and evidence behind one of today’s most promising solutions: genetic-guided precision medicine.

2/3 of patients

Report inadequate symptom control on their first antidepressant, negatively affecting adherence.

American Family Physician

White Paper Highlights

  • Statistics on the current crisis in psychiatry: delivering timely and effective care to all who need it.
  • A summary of the treatment status quo, which results in low efficacy and tolerability combined with pervasive adverse drug reactions.
  • An explanation of the emerging technology of data-driven genetic-guided testing and decision-making tools and evidence of improved outcomes.
  • How dynamic software platforms and reporting automate and improve manual monitoring and analysis.

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